Solve-RD Solvathon on LR-WGS and optical genome mapping (OGM) analysis
Mon-Wed, 19-21 February 2024 in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Goal: 3 days hands-on course to instruct ERNs how to analyse and interpret the different results derived from LR-WGS and optical genome mapping (OGM), with the aim of diagnosing cases.
Participants: Representatives from the LR-WGS and OGM working groups, representatives from ERNs/Solve-RD partners who contributed samples and are involved in the analysis/interpretation.
Proposed agenda:
Monday, 19 Feb 2024
9-11 theory session (LRS)
11-17 hands on work and interpretation (LRS)
Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024
9-11 theory session (OGM)
11-17 hands on work and interpretation (OGM+LRS)
Wednesday, 21 Feb 2024
9-11 hands on work and interpretation (OGM+LRS)
11-12:30 solved cases presentation and closing remarks
12:30 end /departure
Registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWe7VwUbBOltf1Ej2st505C8Wq3Jinjc8uxodlWrGj2Qnj8Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
Deadline for registration: 10 January 2024.
Please note: on-site participants will be selected based on the number of submitted samples and data to analyse. You will hear back from us by 15 January 2024.
We plan to enable online participation for the theory sessions and will share the presentations and recordings to provide resources and guidance for Solve-RD partners that cannot attend live.