Solve-RD Final Meeting 2023
From 24-26 April 2023 125 participants met in Prague,CZ for the final Solve-RD meeting. Additional 110+ attendees joined online. It was great to see everyone in person again!
Three awards have been given for the best full talk, the best flash talk and the best poster presentation:
Best full talk:
Elke Bogaert
Ghent University
Best flash talk:
Jonathan De Winter
University of Antwerp
Best poster presentation:
Nika Schuermans
Ghent University
On 26 April, a Public Symposium "The Impact of Solve-RD on Research & Care of Rare Disease Patients" has been attended by additional online participants from the human genetics and rare disease community in Europe and beyond. We were happy to hear two keynote lectures by Ines Thiele (University of Galway) outlining the way “Towards a personalised systems biomedical approach for the diagnosis of inherited metabolic diseases” and Timothy Yu (Boston Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School) on “Hyperpersonalized therapies for the long tail of genetic disease”. After different presentations on the achievemtns of Solve-RD and what we expect for the future, the Public Symposium concluded with a round table discussion on “The Future of Rare Disease Diagnostics in Europe”. A list of excellent panellists discussed what needs to change in rare disease diagnostics, the challenges and bottlenecks to take the next steps as well as concrete solutions on national, local, European and global level.
The Public Symposium has been recorded and is available on our Solve-RD YouTube channel.