Solve-RD Annual Meeting 2019
From 7-8 February 2019 the Solve-RD Annual Meeting 2019 took place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, hosted by our Partner Radboud UMC. More than 100 participants from Solve-RD partners, associated ERNs and Undiagnosed Disease Networks attended the meeting.
The meeting was a great success! The first day focussed on what has been achieved in the first year whereas the second day was a working day with meetings of different working groups and the four core ERNs (ERN-GENTURIS, -ITHACA, EURO-NMD, and -RND) to discuss and organise the next steps. In addition, workshops on the re-analysis of phenotypes (led by the INSERM-Orphanet team) and on data analysis in GPAP (led by Steve Laurie from CNAG-CRG) have been given.