Rare Diseases’ therapies integration in diagnostic support tools through the Treatabolome platform

Thu, 21 October 2021 4-5pm, ERN Euro-NMD webinar

Title: Rare Diseases’ therapies integration in diagnostic support tools through the Treatabolome platform

Speaker: Gisele Bonne (Paris, France), Carles Hernandez-Ferrer (Barcelona, Spain), Katja Lohmann (Lübeck, Germany)

The Treatabolome is a database that will be publically available on the internet to facilitate the identification of existing treatments for rare diseases. Gisele Bonne will introduce the Treatabolome concept. Carles Hernandez-Ferrer will talk about the development and implementation of the Treatabolome platform and Katja Lohmann will emphasize the synergies between the MSDgene and Treatabolome platforms.