First Seeding Grant awarded!
The group of Lisenka Vissers and her colleagues at Radboud University Medical Centre identified novel variants of a gene associated with complex cortical dysplasia and other brain malformations. Affected patients are clinically characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, intellectual disability and refractory epilepsy.
The RDMM Europe Seeding Grant will facilitate the characterisation of a knock-in mouse model by Binnaz Yalcin and her group at University of Burgundy, Dijon, France as part of Inserm U1231. For the validation of the novel gene variants the mouse model will be characterized by histological and neuroanatomical methods as well as in behavioural tests. By modelling this novel rare human disease we expect to improve diagnosis and future treatment possibilities for affected patients.
The RDMM Europe Seeding Grant will facilitate the characterisation of a knock-in mouse model by Binnaz Yalcin and her group at University of Burgundy, Dijon, France as part of Inserm U1231. For the validation of the novel gene variants the mouse model will be characterized by histological and neuroanatomical methods as well as in behavioural tests. By modelling this novel rare human disease we expect to improve diagnosis and future treatment possibilities for affected patients.
For more information on the Solve-RD brokerage service and the Seeding Grants see Rare Diseases Models & Mechanisms – Europe (RDMM-Europe).